Monday 3 October 2011


Culture Blending as while as better understanding

What comes to mind when one thinks  of diplomates. Being a son of a diplomat I have in counted a wide range of cultures and people from across the globe. I have traveled and lived in many different places all around the world. I have enjoyed every single moment of it. I can absolutely say that that is the up side of being a diplomat. I get to be able to share my culture with other students and teachers of different ethnicities and languages

I grew up as a diplomat and want to continue that route as an adult. I want to be able to the things my dad was able to do for my country. Starting from promoting it to higher levels and tightening the relations between the nation in which he is based in.

International Relations or simple diplomacy needs a person who loves travelling around the world and is willing to risk his life for the sake of his country. It deals with working with finances, human resources, information management as while consular service. It is not a easy career path to choose but it is one that I hope to be able to look back and say that i have accomplished my dream of becoming a successful diplomat.

I believe that being around people of different religions and culture can help one understand the different types of challenges we all face in our generation and also can help us become better international people and leaders.


  1. I think that this was really well written and definitely shows how you feel about your future career choice. There were some spelling mistakes but overall it was very good.

  2. This is really good career plan!!!I think you will be an amazing diplomat!!

  3. There are some grammar errors but I like how to you can relate to your parent and pursue such a career. You had some good back-up support and detail, so it helped to give some reasons on why you wanted to become a diplomat.
